The Pere Lachaise Cemetery

The Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France is one of the largest cemeteries in central Paris. Visitors flock to see the graves of many important historical figures scattered amongst the estimated 300,000 to 1 million others buried. Paranormal activity has been reported from various graves around the cemetery.
Among them is famous author, Marcel Proust’s well-kept grave, where a symbolic love heart shaped sits from discarded chestnuts, that ties into his tragic ghost story. It is believed that each night Marcel’s ghost rises from its grave in search of his lost lover. Unfortunately, he never actually manages to find his lover, who was buried at a separate cemetery against their wishes.
The most well known and visited grave within Pere Lachaise Cemetery is that of Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors. There have been multiple sightings of Jim roaming the cemetery, particularly around the area where he was buried. Some have even claimed to capture his apparition in a photograph, though this has been widely debated.
The next time we are in Paris, I hope to have visit. Maybe I too might catch a glimpse of Morrison.
“Come on, come on, come on, come on now, touch me baby, Can’t you see that I am not afraid?…….“